Special Issue

Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 3/1/22

Year: 2022

Research Articles

UPA Strategic Affairs is an open access, peer-reviewed online (electronic) international academic journal that is published twice a year.

UPA Strategic Affairs is established in 2020 by the founders of UPA (Uluslararası Politika Akademisi-International Political Academy), a well-known foreign policy initiative in Turkey that was initiated in 2012. 

ISSN: 2718-0182

UPA Strategic Affairs encourages all Social Sciences scholars, students, and researchers to send their scientific articles for publication.

UPA Strategic Affairs aims to appeal to a wide scholarly audience by welcoming all Social Sciences works without a geographic or topic-based limitation.

UPA Strategic Affairs publishes theoretical, methodological, and research-based articles in addition to original op-eds and book reviews.

UPA Strategic Affairs publishes only Turkish, English, and French articles.

All published articles are archived in UPA website (http://politikaakademisi.org/archive/).

UPA Strategic Affairs will take necessary steps to be cited in Turkish and international indexes.

UPA Strategic Affairs accepts articles with the condition of having maximum 20 % similarity score from Turnitin or iThenticate program.

Length limit for articles is 20,000 words; inclusive of the Abstract, References, and Footnotes. There is no other specific page limit for articles.

UPA Strategic Affairs encourages authors to use American style spelling.

Authors should submit their full articles to upastrategicaffairs@gmail.com / ozanormeci@gmail.com / dtansi@gmail.com.

Articles should comply with the format rules.

Articles are going through blind review process by two different scholars. Only articles having 2/2 acceptance are published in UPA Strategic Affairs. In case of “minor revision” decisions, editors of the journal are given chance to decide. Articles having one approval and one rejection will be sent to a third referee.

Contributors should sign a licensing agreement before the publication of their articles.


Margins: All margins should be 2.5 cm (1 inch).

Main title: Main title should be Times New Roman in size 14 pt font with all capital letters, centered, and bold format.

Author names: Author names should be added below the main title (align text right) without academic titles with Times New Roman in size 12 pt. Academic titles and affiliated institutions should be mentioned below as the first footnote and with an e-mail address.

Abstract: Begin your chapter with an Abstract part that summarizes the content of the chapter in 100 to 250 words. Abstract should be written in Times New Roman in size 12 pt.

Keywords: Maximum 5 Keywords to be written after the Abstract. Keywords should be Times New Roman in size 12 pt and in Italics.

Alignment: Alignment should be justified. First lines should not start from inside.

Font: Use Times New Roman font in size 12 pt with 1.5-line spacing. Use 0 pt before and 6 pt after each paragraph in writing.

Subheadings: Each article should have Introduction and Conclusion parts. Introduction and Conclusion parts should not be numbered. The number of subheadings should not exceed 20. Subheadings should be numbered as 1., 2., 3.; 1.1., 1.2., 1.3.; 1.1.1., 1.1.2., 1.1.3. etc. Subheadings should be written in size 12 pt with bold letters with only first letters as capital.

Double-quote: Double-quote (“….”) should be used for emphasized words or quoted sentences. In using double-quote, Italics should be used for the text in quote.

Italics: Journal, book, and newspaper names should be written in Italics both in running text and at the Bibliography part. Foreign words also should be written in Italics in running text.

Tables and Graphics: Tables and Graphics should be numbered as Table I, Graphic II etc. with Roman letters, Bold, and Times New Roman in size 12 pt. Table and Graphic number should be written above. A definition should be made after Table of Graphic number with Times New Roman in size 12 pt and in Italics.


Chicago style footnote system is used for referencing.

Footnotes should be written with Times New Roman in size 10 pt and with “align text left” style.

References should be indicated within the text by a footnote and then explained in detail at the bottom of the page.

Footnotes should be placed at the end of the relevant sentence (after the full stop) with superscript Arabic numerals.

Footnotes can be inserted in Microsoft Word by clicking on “Insert Footnote” from the References tab.

Each footnote ends with a full stop.

Page referencing should be “p.” for single pages and “pp.” for multiple pages.


Standard Bibliography: Author last name, Author first name (Publication year), The Name of the Book, Place of publication: Publisher.

Standard Footnote first use: Author first name Author last name (Publication year), The Name of the Book, Place of publication: Publisher, pp. 12-13.

Standard Footnote second use: Author first name Author last name (Publication year), The Name of the Book, pp. 12-13.

Standard Footnote consecutive use: ibid., pp. 12-13.

Multiple Authors Bibliography: Author last name, Author first name & Author last name, Author first name & Author last name, Author first name (Publication year), The Name of the Book, Place of publication: Publisher.

Multiple Authors Footnote first use: Author first name Author last name & Author first name Author last name & Author first name Author last name (Publication year), The Name of the Book, Place of publication: Publisher, pp. 1-4.

Multiple Authors Footnote second use: Author first name Author last name et al. (Publication year), The Name of the Book, pp. 1-4.

Multiple Authors Footnote consecutive use: ibid., pp. 1-4.


Standard Bibliography: Author last name, Author first name (Publication year), “The Name of the article”, The Name of the Journal, Vol. 3, No: 5, pp. 10-32 (full article).

Article Footnote first use: Author first name Author last name (Publication year), “The Name of the article”, The Name of the Journal, Vol. 3, No: 5, p. 7 (cited page only).

Article Footnote second use: Author first name Author last name (Publication year), “The Name of the article”, p. 7 (cited page only).

Article Footnote consecutive use: ibid., p. 7.

Multiple Authors Bibliography: Author last name, Author first name & Author last name, Author first name & Author last name, Author first name & Author last name, Author first name (Publication year), “The Name of the article”, The Name of the Journal, Vol. 3, No: 5, pp. 10-32 (full article).

Multiple Authors Footnote first use: Author first name Author last name & Author first name Author last name & Author first name Author last name & Author first name Author last name (Publication year), “The Name of the article”, The Name of the Journal, Vol. 3, No: 5, p. 7 (cited page only).

Multiple Authors Footnote second use: Author first name Author last name et al. (Publication year), “The Name of the article”, The Name of the Journal, p. 7 (cited page only).

Multiple Authors Footnote consecutive use: ibid., p. 7.


Editorial: The New York Times Editorial (2015), “The name of the article”, 23.07.2010 (exact date of publication), p. 5.

Untitled: Los Angeles Tribune (2012), “The name of the article/news”, 23.07.2010 (exact date of publication), p. 13.

Written by a specific columnist/reporter (Bibliography): Last name of the reporter/columnist, First name of the reporter/columnist (Publication year), “The name of the article/news”, The Name of the Newspaper, 23.07.2010 (exact date of publication), p. 3.

Written by a specific columnist/reporter (Footnote): Full name of the reporter/columnist (Publication year), “The name of the article/news”, The Name of the Newspaper, 23.07.2010 (exact date of publication), p. 3.

Written by a specific columnist/reporter (Footnote) second use: Full name of the reporter/columnist (Publication year), “The name of the article/news”, p. 3.

Newspapers Footnote consecutive use: ibid.

Internet archives: Full name of the reporter/columnist/journal (Year of publication), “The name of article/news”, The Name of the Newspaper, 23.07.2010 (exact date of publication), Date of Accession: DD/MM/YYYY from http://www (full URL).

Institutions & Organizations:

Name of the Institution, “The name of the page”, 23.07.2012 (Page last modified), Date of Accession: DD/MM/YYYY from http://www (full URL).


Director’s full name (Production year), “The Name of the Movie”.


“Video title”, Date of Accession: DD/MM/YYYY from http://www. (full URL).

UPA Strategic Affairs is solely established for academic purposes and does not collect article processing or submission charges from contributors.

UPA Strategic Affairs accepts articles with the condition of having maximum 20 % similarity score from Turnitin or iThenticate program.

Articles are going through blind review process by two different scholars. Only articles having 2/2 acceptance are published in UPA Strategic Affairs. In case of “minor revision” decisions, editors of the journal are given chance to decide. Articles having one approval and one rejection will be sent to a third referee.

For book reviews, only one referee decision is enough for the publication.

Contributors should sign a licensing agreement before the publication of their articles.,

UPA Strategic Affairs does not allow the dissemination of hate speech towards different ethnic, religious or other social groups in its publications.